You Are

Behind This Song:
This song was written when my Pastor was going through the book of Hebrews. At that time it only had the first verse, the chorus, and the bridge at the end. Then I wanted to bring this song back when we were studying Acts and a few other new testament books, so I wrote the second verse.

I wanted this song to list the things that Jesus is.
Great High Priest.
Passover Lamb.
Great I Am.
The Promise.
Our Reward.
Our Hope.
The Living Word.
Our Comforter.
The Prince of Life.
The Just.
The Merciful.
Father, Spirit and Son, the Trinity.
The Lover of Our Souls.

These attributes lead us to worship Him!
Oh how Glorious You Are! How Wondrous! How Worthy are You! How Holy are You!

Hebrews 4:14-16, Hebrews 10:1-18, Genesis 3:15, Colossians 3:24, Acts 3:14-15 and many More!!

This could be for worship, afterglow, small group or outreach since it could be used to teach people about who Jesus is as well as be used to worship Him. 

For afterglow I would focus on the bridge a lot. "We lift high your name...".
However, for an outreach, I would focus more on the rest of the song.