Lord Come

Behind This Song:
My husband and I were asked to join a prayer group that consisted of 4 couples, including ourselves. We were going to meet for a long period of time and spend a few hours a week together interceding for our body. During this time, I also felt the Lord leading our fellowship to be encouraged into using their spiritual gifts and having a fresh outpouring of His Spirit upon us. I have been praying for a revival in our nation for quite all while. 

It was a Saturday Night before my Pastor was going to teach through the book of Acts an the night before my prayer group started. I begged the Lord to give me a song that was for our prayer group and for this new season of fresh outpouring of His Spirit. I was sitting on my couch and the room was chaotic (I have four little kids, a husband, and my sister lived with us). Yet here I was, communing with the Lord, in the midst of the chaos, asking Him for something special, and I picked up my guitar and out spilled this song! 

It is inspired by Acts 2, as well as 2 Chronicles 7:14. 

I would recommend this song for a response to a message or an afterglow song. It also would be a good one to play before you begin a worship set to prepare people's hearts to worship the Lord. This is great for small groups, prayer groups, and especially afterglows.

You can hear this song or download it at: