
Behind This Song:
May oldest daughter, Ahavah, was diagnosed with a bleeding disorder. The doctors were never fully convinced her diagnosis was what was truly going on with her. She also had severe lead poisoning. After several months in and out of hospitals and numerous times holding her facing the reality this may be my last time holding her with breath in her lungs, I closed myself away in my room and started strumming the chords to this song. 

I was simply pouring my heart out to the Lord. "Even if you took my daughter home, I will still love You. If you took all my children I would still love You. You are such a good God! They would be with You! She would be with You!"

The song, Blessed be Your Name, kept ringing through my head, as well as It Is Well With My Soul. In no attempt to match the pain and suffering the authors of these songs must have went through to write these, I was still singing a similar song. 

Still I will praise You! 
Still I will sing of Your Great Name! 
Still I will tell of how Good You are! 

Job 13:15 was the scripture given to us a number of times and what influenced me in writing this song.

This is not intended to be a worship song. This was originally a song to encourage those who are facing hard times in their lives. This could be utilized as an after glow song as a response to a moving of the Holy Spirit.