Power To Save

Behind This Song:
After Obama won his second election, I was so filled with fear for where our country was heading. I kept running through many scenarios in my head of my kids eventually being taken away from me because of our belief in Christ, them starving to death because our economy will collapse, or them being killed from people going crazy when our economy crashes. 

The Lord continually reminds me of how He is on the throne. He is in control. The battle we fight is NOT against flesh and blood, but a spiritual battle, and we have the ALMIGHTY GOD on our half. We are His children! HALLELUJAH!!!

2 Corinthians 12:9-11, Acts 1:8, Romans 15:13, 1 John 4:18, Pslam 38:4-9, Pslam 51:9, Isaiah 53:5 and MANY more!

I play this for Sunday morning worship. The chorus is really easy to learn/teach and you can step of the microphone often and allow the people to sing without you. You can stop playing the guitar and just let the people sing and slowly bring the guitar back and and build the song up again, and again. The words are written to be identifiable for everyone. Everyone feels small in their faith, weak in their strength, fearful, and unworthy due to sin. But God is powerful, strong, and faithful! 

Depending on the message your pastor is teaching, this would also work for after glows.

When Christ Shall Come

Behind the Song:
I wrote this when my Pastor was doing an Overview of the Bible. He was going through a book a week and was teaching on 1 & 2 Thessalonians. I wanted a song that reflected the Lord returning and the hope we have in Him! But I wanted it to be worshipful so I could do it in the Sunday Morning set as a worship song. 

Needless to say, I worked on a song for a few weeks and didn't have peace at all about where it was headed. It was the night before 2 Thessalonians and I tore up everything I had worked on. I sat down, prayed, read over the scripture again, and wrote this song in a matter of 15 minutes. Praise the Lord!

1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11; 2 Thessalonians 1; Revelation 4

This is a GREAT worship song! It has a faster beat so it's grew to start or finish a set with. Focus on the Holy, Holy, Holy is our God as this is the most worshipful part of the chorus.

Cleanser of My Soul

Behind This Song:
There are so many times when I just fall to my knees in tears and in awe that God would ever use me to accomplish His purposes! That He would use me to influence other people's lives and stir them onto a deeper relationship with Him! I fall SO short of being worthy to have any influence per anyone!

"God! I can't do Your work! You know me! I am so sinful! I just can't seem to get things right. If I am involved in people's lives, I'll surly mess them up! Your Grace is just... amazing... that You would use a sinner like me!!"

And hence, this song. I never meant for this to become a song. I simply start singing my heart out to the Lord and He formed it into verses and a chorus. So praise be to the Lord!

This song wasn't written from a specific scripture source, but there is plenty in the Bible about God cleansing us from our sins.

This is an afterglow song and/or a response to a message. Also good for small groups and prayer groups.

I Rejoice In You

Behind This Song:
Philippians is a great example of how to rejoice in the midst of, well, whatever circumstance. Paul says, "I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:12-13)

We have SO MANY reasons to "Rejoice in the Lord always" (Philippians 4:4). He's given us so many things. I mean, just salvation is reason enough to praise Him! But beyond that He's given us a peace that is unshakable and passes all understanding, a hope that goes beyond this life and this world, and a strength through His Spirit that is unstoppable!

Philippians 1:18, 1:21, 3:8, 4:3, 4:6-9, 4:13; Nehemiah 8:10, Colossians 1:5, 23, 27, 2:2; 1 Thessalonians 1:3, 2:19 and SO many more!

I would suggest this as a pre-message song or a response to a message. It's not wholly worshipful in my opinion. Rather, it's very reflective on the work the Lord's done and is, therefore, more praise than worship. 

You can hear this song or download it at: 

You're Beautiful To Me

Behind This Song:
I wrote this as we were studying through the book of Romans. I was so struck in awe with the gospel message. How much we need to continually remember that we were once sinners and Christ died for us! How sweet our worship would always be if we kept this simple fact in the forefront of our minds! Kissing our Lord's feet should be our primary goal. He's so worthy!

Romans 3:23; Romans 6:12; Romans 5:1,9; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Romans 10:13; Luke 17:25, 20:17; 1 Corinthians 13; Romans 8:22-23; Romans 10:13

Worship, Small Groups, After Glow. This song is so intimate and powerful. 

You can hear this song or download it at: 

You Reign

Behind This Song:
My Pastor was going through Romans 13 and was going to be teaching on Government, Politics, and the Church. He was going to be talking about what our role is as Christ's people, in these areas. 

I felt like the Holy Spirit wanted a song that reminded people that HE makes men great. He puts people into power. He rises up nations and brings them down. He is sovereign and in control at all times. ALL creation is under His authority. 

1 Chronicles 29:11-13; Romans 13

Great worship song. Also good for a response to a message if you feel the Lord leading. Small groups would work well also. 

You can hear this song or download it at: 

Lord Come

Behind This Song:
My husband and I were asked to join a prayer group that consisted of 4 couples, including ourselves. We were going to meet for a long period of time and spend a few hours a week together interceding for our body. During this time, I also felt the Lord leading our fellowship to be encouraged into using their spiritual gifts and having a fresh outpouring of His Spirit upon us. I have been praying for a revival in our nation for quite all while. 

It was a Saturday Night before my Pastor was going to teach through the book of Acts an the night before my prayer group started. I begged the Lord to give me a song that was for our prayer group and for this new season of fresh outpouring of His Spirit. I was sitting on my couch and the room was chaotic (I have four little kids, a husband, and my sister lived with us). Yet here I was, communing with the Lord, in the midst of the chaos, asking Him for something special, and I picked up my guitar and out spilled this song! 

It is inspired by Acts 2, as well as 2 Chronicles 7:14. 

I would recommend this song for a response to a message or an afterglow song. It also would be a good one to play before you begin a worship set to prepare people's hearts to worship the Lord. This is great for small groups, prayer groups, and especially afterglows.

You can hear this song or download it at: